For CSS Testing Only! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla mauris nisi, elementum ac maximus sit amet, convallis at turpis. Suspendisse ut lacus eget urna maximus molestie. Nunc elementum quis urna a ornare. Nullam mollis interdum...
An unknown alien race lands on Earth and begins a brutal campaign to kill or enslave humanity. During the chaos a group of friends band together to try to survive the unbelievable conflict that will forever change the course of their lives, and the fate of...
The life of a Maker has taken its toll on Ianus but he now has to make the hardest choice of all. With all roads pointing to the city of the ancients located deep within the forbidden lands, Ianus must choose whether to follow the path to almost certain death...
Ianus awakes on a hospital ship... he failed. His adopted father lay mortally injured in the next room, and a powerful, ancient relic of the Jade Moon's founder has been stolen. Every option gone, only one thing remains...
Abducting his father, he runs off...
Just beyond the view of the average person, dangers haunt the Chian'niu, the galactic underworld. Assassins stalk their prey, mercenaries sell their services, and ancient factions move governments, people, and armies across the stars for reasons known only...
Un jour, un récit, basé sur une oeuvre inspirante. En parallèle de [url:]mon site[/url] je posterais ces récits ici. Des flash fictions de tous genres et toutes formes en prévision.
“Lost in the endless depths of space, Abby, housed within her cold metal home for untold years, yearns for companionship and connections. Join her on a journey of self-discovery as she navigates the unknown galaxy in search of friendship and a sense of belonging."
Die Frankobritannica ist ein Kolonieschiff, dass nach einer mehrere Jahrhunderte dauernden Reise durch den Hyperraum das Novum-System erreicht. Leider konnten die Menschen der alten Erde nicht alles voraussehen: Nach der Rückkehr in den Normalraum geschehen...
**A Novella set AFTER the Alpha Saga**
What if your entire life went up in smoke in less than twenty-four hours? Jobs, homes, technology, family? All of that disappeared in the blink of an eye.
Well, that's what Kěith, Jack, and their company have come to...