When tricked by the green-haired witch, the beautiful Marfisa is forced to embark on a dangerous adventure to find the misterious Madalgarius and join his quest to discover the origin of three golden fey apples. Along with Medulfa and Aesara, she needs to...
Detailing of the centuries of the Rasenna and the preceding Dykairos or "Hard Times" the world has endured, a work by Master Jorunon of the School of the Arnzium Clerics.
Es war einmal eine böse Hexe, die lebte im Wyrmwald und fraß jeden, der ihrer Hütte zu nahe kam.
Bis ein junger Hexer vorbei kam, sie in ein Huhn verwandelte und in die Hütte einzog.
Als er dann auf die Schnappsidee kommt, den Werwolf einzufangen, der in...
Follows some not-so-good characters as they try to navigate through crazy surreal situations while dealing with some very real problems in a crime-filled city ruled by violent gangs. The city will either swallow them whole while they try to live honestly...
Ashala of the house Ovolen loves two things: the power she gets from being the eldest daughter of the Suvonor and her best friend Bogey. It's not that Bogey doesn't like Ashala, far from it, but Ashala is trouble and no one knows it better than Bogey who,...