Life is peaceful in the land of Minecraftia. And in the village of Blockfield, a young boy named David is getting ready attend a newly built school. However, things change, with a sudden attack by a Wither leaving David's home in shambles. Together with his...
Muramasa Sengo challenges his master to a swordsmithing duel! Has he learned all he can from Masamune-sensei?
It may seem absurd for two of Japan’s most famous swordsmiths, Masamune and Muramasa—born in different centuries, to have known each other. But when...
A tale in the saga of The Twenty-year Slave, House of Scarlet takes place immediately following the conclusion of "Skamsen and the Lady." HOS details the story of the lady dressed in scarlet who chooses the sea instead of a life of servitude. But the gods...
(A tale from Umeji’s copy of Myths of Japan, compiled by Shitani Daisuke)
How far would you go to be the greatest sword maker of all time?
It may seem absurd for two of Japan’s most famous swordsmiths, Masamune and Muramasa—born in different centuries, to...