Glossary of Foyiitùn Words
Below are all the Foyiitùn words and phrases found within Fallen Down of Nectar Glen and their translations.
I have chosen not to translate names of people and places, however.
Ajai: to me, my, mine
Ana: year (or any period of eleven consecutive months).
Erdàn: lands
Erdé: the Element governing the ground, rocks and mountains. (The term 'earth' does not exist. See Savàni below).
Fyrvà: the eleventh and last month of the Ana.
Hùlàn: literally "to the void", an exclamation that meant "may it be turned to nothingness", or "may it be forever damned". The context varies, but the meaning is always similar.
Nùormest: North-East or northeastern. North was Nùorma, meaning "fresh light"
Ousiivy: blood (literally "life-waters"), the -szil suffix denoted it was blue blood.
Paràntii: a generic word for "people", or what we would call "humans".
Savàni: the name given to the Orb on which the Erdàn Savànii was found.
Sénakii: the Elements (Light, Fire, Water, Ground/Rock, Air, Sky)
Ur: an hour. Plural is Urs or Urii, though Urs is more common.
Urpìkii: "moments" or what we now call "minutes". It may also be translated as "seconds" depending on the context.
Aikyl-ykaitsé Pékiberàunii - literally: 'hit shield there, small pains'. Incantations were partly driven by the words uttered and partly by the intention of the person uttering them.
Kyl-Y-Ormà - literally 'shield there light' or 'shield here light'. In this case, 'here' would have been correct as She of the Few was in the centre of the shielded area.