The writing discord server I'm on, Mages of Pages, usually runs 2-3 competitions every month. They have 1 that lasts about a month. and 1 or 2 lasting about a fortnight each. But this month they decided try something different. Instead of a competition the month-long slot turned into an interesting writing exercise.
Volunteers were to be paired up into groups of two and write a collaborative piece. We were given a hard word limit of 2000-2250. Our work was to be colour-coded and shared equally with no one writers individual work being outside the 25%-50% limits. Blue and red were assigned to authors for individual work. Black for pieces where both authors contributed equally to word choice, theme, character voice and tone. There was to be a minimum of 1 completely collaborative paragraph. The project had to be completely new and fit within PG13 guidelines. It could be an original work or fanfiction.
Pairs who completed this got paired roles.
I was paired with Bjorn Fenrissen and immediately called dibs on blue. XD After checking out each others tastes and preferences and finding shared ground, we settled on a modernish D&D style fantasy in the Underground. And we had a story! The time zone differences were tricky but splitting parts helped circumvent that particular issue and it was so much fun!
We got a cool roll too. Signs of the Underground!
And here's our end result! XD I'll link in the original colour-coded google doc at the end.
Hope you enjoy
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