A small old church that was once used to worship Farad, long since left empty. It was reclaimed and renovated into a pub that has become a local icon of good cheer and community building.
A small old church that was once used to worship Farad, long since left empty. It was reclaimed and renovated into a pub that has become a local icon of good cheer and community building.
**Rasskarth** is still spoken in hushed, reverent tones among the lizardfolk of **Zassil’torr (‘Torfen’ in Common)**. Once a mighty warlord and self-proclaimed **Lizard King**, his reign of terror **threatened the rise of human civilization in Verbobonc**
He has lived in the shadows of Atlee’s control for years, but his mind is sharp, his spirit unbroken, and a fire burns beneath his soft-spoken words. He has endured, adapted, and waits for his chance.
The Lodge of the Twin Oaks stands as both an enduring landmark and a welcoming refuge for travelers, rangers, and merchants passing through Twilight Falls.
Elistreai, the Dark Maiden, is the drow goddess of moonlight, freedom, beauty, and redemption. A patron of outcast drow seeking a life beyond Lolth’s tyranny, she embodies grace, sorrow, and defiance.