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vynegael Progress Report

Shards & Echords

Shards & Echords

1573 words

A t E: Session 11 - Epilogue

Thale and Fare-Well

3191 words

'The Villainous Cause' #2 -- Deignghaul and Fortune's Insult

Deignghaul knew the outset of the old Realm

1048 words

A t E: Session 12 - Epilogue

Captain Ghoul's Battle-log

1511 words

'The Villainous Cause' #3 -- Ceriestrident and Seduction's Powers

Ceriestrident finds the value in a potential ally

4509 words

COASETH -- History of The Houselands: The Monarchial Era

The Age of the Five Kingdoms

141 words

The Houselands: The Two Dukedoms

The Age of the Two Dukedoms

280 words

The Age of Ennorren Overkings

The Age of Ennorren Overkings

398 words

The Age of Brigands & Broken Barons

The Age of Brigands & Broken Barons

363 words

The War of Bulls & Stallions - Part 1

The War of Bulls & Stallions

545 words

The War of Bulls & Stallions - Part 2

The War of Bulls & Stallions - Part 2

686 words

The War of Bulls & Stallions - Part 3

The War of Bulls & Stallions - Part 3

434 words

The War of Bulls & Stallions - Part 4

The War of Bulls & Stallions - Part 4

601 words

The War of Bulls & Stallions - Part 5

The War of Bulls & Stallions - Part 5

366 words

The War of Bulls & Stallions - Part 6

The War of Bulls & Stallions -Part 6

336 words

'The Villainous Cause' #5 -- Spiyn & the Flames of Desire

' I not bear the halonic mark?...'

2859 words

A t E: Session 13 - Epilogue

... Pethro decided this might take a while. He pulled a chair over and sat....

1989 words

B I G: Session 11 - Epilogue

A Tale Recounted Forthrightly by Taggadagga

4374 words

vynegael Progress so far

31334 words 313.34% completed!

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