subtletylost Progress Report

subtletylost Progress so far

89138 words 891.38% completed!

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I'm just a simple autistic writer who wants people to like them. I love writing, and building the worlds I write within. You can visit me on Archive of Our Own to see my writing, or just look inside some of my worlds to see how much care I put into them.  

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All worlds are a constant work in progress.

Interests & Hobbies

Worldbuilding, playing video games, helping people,

Favorite Movies

Independence Day, The Nightmare Before Christmas

Favorite TV Series

Ghost Whisperer, Xena: Warrior Princess, Steven Universe

Favorite Books

Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West,

Favorite Writers

Alexandra Rowland, Brian Jacques, Douglas Adams, Gregory Maguire, Joseph Fink

Favorite Games

Skyrim, Pokemon, Dragon Quest 11, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Tomb Raider (the new trilogy and the old games though I haven't played those since I was 7), Minecraft, Dragon Quest Builders, Slay the Spire, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Latest Loved work


Meeting in the West

House Aban

Gift of the Enchantress

Astra Planeta

Summer Camp 2019 Homework