ReverseG Progress Report


The [i]Vigilante[/i] is a [i]Stargazer-class[/i] corvette airship, crewed by The Skylarks.

80 words

Annabelle Pilon

The owner of the Fair Winds Inn at @[Skyharbour](settlement:5eab2514-f892-429b-a2ae-38adbf37b1c3) .

403 words

Fair Winds Inn

The Fair Winds Inn is the oldest tavern in @[Skyharbour](settlement:5eab2514-f892-429b-a2ae-38adbf37b1c3).

652 words

The Skylarks

[b]The Skylarks[/b] are a famous group of Skybound that roam the skies of the Aethergrande.

509 words

Gustavo Libra

The leader of The Skylarks and Captain of the Vigilante.

130 words

Gairen, The Flail

144 words


The sky-continent of Damir is the largest of the three continents that compose the known world of Anira.

303 words

Mariade Aluel

A member of the Skylarks and one of the most powerful wizards in the Aethergrande.

372 words


292 words


374 words

Ati'ya Fhice

76 words

Skybound Sojourn Session I: Grin And Bear It

Where the Pineapple Crew complete their airship, and find a bear.

338 words

Transiting Crystal

An item critical to the safe operation of airships.

264 words

Tracking Overlay

225 words

Emirate of Furda

A nation in the sky-continent of Damir, known for its vast shipbuilding industries.

291 words

Amper Heavy Industries

Amper Heavy Industries is a renowned airship manufacturing company based in the Emirate of Furda.

102 words

Library of Kalle

298 words


A small fishing village bordering Lake Phantur.

116 words

Kolin Marducci

A former master thief and member of The Skylarks.

114 words

The Ton Sefr

A mythical crew that existed during the early age of airships.

285 words


375 words

Sainner Keter

157 words


One of the sky-continents of Anira

335 words


The nation of DesCha

259 words

Western Magic

A type of magic, similar but distinct from Eastern Magic.

466 words

Eastern Magic

A style of magic similar to, but distinct from, Western Magic.

563 words

Central City

The biggest city in DesCha.

1260 words


519 words


Smilers are round spheres with arms, that peacefully co-exist with humans.

500 words

School Wars

103 words

Power Grading

A system used by DEIMOS to classify individuals.

2167 words

Thomas Anybody

The mysterious benefactor of the Lighthouse Foundation

137 words

Senta University

655 words

Momoyuri University

496 words

Miuradai University

443 words

DesCha Season 9

109 words

{CC} 9.01 The Book Club

DEIMOS have no idea how to deal with this.

128 words

The Book Club

81 words


919 words

{CC} 9.02 Woofu! Woofu Woofu!

The Book Club investigates their first crime scene.

417 words

Report 0902

A report from FW

173 words

Report 0903

A note from FW.

165 words

{CC} 9.04 I Hate Women

The Book Club blows some stuff up.

158 words

{CC} 9.03 Hi.

220 words

ReverseG Progress so far

16868 words 168.68% completed!

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A bit of a wandering GM, also runs a YouTube channel about regular shenanigans, etc.

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