Nightfoot Progress Report

Church of Venice

The most significant Oppositionist church in Europe

1016 words

Venetian Egypt

Venice's colony in Egypt

858 words

Francesco Melzi ☠

The apprentice to da Vinci whose linguistic work changed history

1122 words


The capital of Venetian Egypt

608 words

Thomas Müntzer ☠

Radical theologian and leader in the Great Peasants' War

155 words

Great Peasants' War

A revolt of the serfs to establish a Protestant democracy in Europe

891 words

Republic of Venice

A powerful maritime republic throughout the Adriatic

600 words

Villars Cave

Western Europe's most frequently used gateway to the afterlife

341 words

Cairene Canal

242 words


A democratic nation won through a bloody revolt

1042 words


A small island nation with deep loyalty to the Catholic church

1973 words

Johanna, Queen of Anglia

The reigning queen of Anglia

334 words


A powerful island kingdom

557 words

Anna Solomon

A musical prodigy hailing from Cairo, now stranded in Paris

1690 words


1117 words

Elevated Bats

Bats that have gained the ability to think and speak

1919 words

Iberian War of Free Will

The war that led Espanha and Aragon to becoming Arbitrist

1110 words


An Arbitrist kingdom of kingdoms centred in the Iberian peninsula

406 words

Etheric Realm

The limbo world the dead cross to reach the actual afterlife

1087 words


The final phase of life

1562 words


Black dogs that lurk in the shadows of the world

635 words

Nightfoot Progress so far

19265 words 192.65% completed!

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Discworld, Sunwing, The Book Thief, Speaker for the Dead

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