Those2Nerds Progress Report

Gemini Station

A towing agency reignited Protectorate interest in this embassy-turned-rest stop.

2007 words

Devil in the Fog

A ghostly creature said to haunt the fog of Janus and snatch those foolish enough to wander alone.

674 words

Hoverboard Relay

This sport is played across the sector, but is most popular on Livonia where it has a questionable history.

1403 words

Little Tow

The only starship towing agency willing to brave the Livonia/Janus War. Based on Gemini Station.

1130 words


(Prose) A short story about the scars of love.

2963 words

Those2Nerds Progress so far

8177 words 81.77% completed!

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Hi! I'm Rin, storyteller and aspiring otherworldly entity. The other nerd to my name is my husband, my main collaborator and biggest fan.   I have three worlds here on WA:

wow that's a lot of stars

a sci-fi adventure of dubious intentions

Ten planets connected by metadimensional space, divided by ideals, and held together by one beleaguered organization.

My primary world is a grounded science-fiction setting I created for TTRPG campaigns with the Stars Without Number system. Follow this world if you like space travel, alien planets, psychic abilities, and tabletop shenanigans. I also post prose, homebrew, and GM tips.
You Are Here Now

Why not stay a while?

Settings, characters, plots, and excerpts from my various novels and short stories, most in the speculative fiction space.

My second world is for my fiction writing. Rather than creating a new World for every project (some of which are quite small), I created One World To Rule Them All. Follow this one if you like speculative fiction and story-focused world building.
Rin's Overworld

How-to guides, event hubs, and other meta information for projects I work on.

Lastly is a meta world that holds things like reading challenge, event hubs, and how-to guides. This world likely won't have any actual worldbuilding or storytelling - follow if you like stats and tips for writing and using WA.

Latest Loved work

Uku Vine

Church of Very Good Cheer

Underworld Duck Fighting

The Bay of Graves


March of 31 Tales

The Dawning Sun | Malkora Newsletter


Calana's Halo


Finish 2024 with an achievement — Start 2025 with a bang

We challenge you to write 10,000 words of original worldbuilding content this December. Check out the prizes and rules below!

All you need is a free World Anvil account, grab your hammer, and GO WORLDBUILD!

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