Noons Progress Report

The Ivory Ship Inn

513 words

Noons Progress so far

513 words 5.13% completed!

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Hi! I'm a sci-fi/fantasy author and occasional GM (WFRP and Vampire the Masquerade). Also learning to draw.

Favorite Movies

Big Trouble in Little China, Copland, The Big Sleep, Dune (both of them), Labyrinth,...

Favorite TV Series

Red Dwarf, Firefly, Disenchantment...

Favorite Writers

William Gibson, J.R.R. Tolkien, Peter F. Hamilton,...

Favorite Games

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (any of those games), The Far Cry series, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (thirty years and counting), Vamp the Masquerade,

Latest Loved work


Hervakh City, Sanysgal

Eäviël, the druid of Bazira
