Krimidinner, P&P (currently Pathfinder & Cthulhu), Dancing, etc.
My fair Lady, Harold and Maude, Lord of the Rings, Paul, Addams Family
The Mentalist, Orange is the new black, Game of Thrones, Avatar - the last aribender, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Thud!, Das knallrosa Tagebuch, The Serpent of Venice, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The perks of being a wallflower, Tintenherz Reihe, der Schwarm, Bartimäus
Terry Pratchett, Christopher Moore, Cornelia Funke, Douglas Adams, Frank Schätzing, Heinz Erhardt
Dragon Age Origins, Black Mirror, Nobody's perfect, Dixit, Heart, Edna bricht aus, Cards against humanity