Biomass stripped of its purpose and stability by large wave of Fluid Flow. The survival instinct of this blob of flesh combined with Corruption is recipe behind creation of various monsters.
Ailment caused by the expossure to Fluid Flow. Causing portion of affected material to liquify and more in specific directions.
Process durign which Fluid Flow is used to create various patterns in the material itself.
Long descendant of regular lynx. Uses Fluid Flow to attack and liquefy its enemies.
Dimension natural to the Flow. Parallel to the physical world with its own barely understood laws.
Way to reward new young Raiders for surviving their first Raid, or first few Raids.
Solkerror is the gas giant in the sky of Atocitera. Atocitera is one of its many moons.
Various unchanging organisms that benefit its host in symbiotic relationship until they turn upon the host as parasites.
Cyan-Blue ooze that enhances vision and devours ones brain if mistreated.