Nimble and magical humanoids who boast some natural talent, which includes arrogance.
Proud giant kin that often protect the smaller, more frail creatures that scurry below them.
Very strong melee combatant, that's why you're here right? Okay, well you are a blood cursed half that's cool.
Why do you want to make a halfling leave the shire? No seriously they are pretty cool little dudes...remember you're little though.
"While the dwarves were unorganized, they were tough. Now that they are under a unified banner, how far will they reach" -Grey, Legatus of Crane Legion
Mechanical man who lost his purpose. Better find dwarves if you want some upgrades.
"Order of Fire you say? Yes you could say I am familiar. Did the one with the antlers speak with you?" -Loremax, wizard with a monkey
"Guys in sandals with white sheets and brown belts? Are you sure that's who lifted the cart and stopped the bandits?" -Lex, Guard Captain of Weavers Landing
"I saw the shadows move so slightly before he dropped dead. Then even his shadow retreated into nothing" -Mitch, gnome bard of Muse
An old tome with an omega symbol on the cover. Though its leather bears age, the brass fittings and simple latch move as if new. The pages seem to be in good condition as well.
Testing out this world building tool. I have been expanding my player base and looking for a good avenue to introduce new players to settings and old players to what they should already know!
The obvious role playing games, but many other games in general. I lean towards fantasy over sci-fy but enjoy both.