CalofGearva Progress Report

◇⋄–~–~–⋄–~–~–⋄◇   Yours Truly,   The Ticking Dam, Eldritch Mind, Mother of Solaris, Pickshatter Champion, Insidious Memory, Dream Fang, The Bullet, and Headless Devout


"Vuekson is a spectacle to rival anything else in the Wraith Globe. With its towering spires and rich community, you can find almost any service or item you could ever need!" - Irlin Tonth, Guildmaster of The Chaos Shrouds

490 words

The Irly Palace

"The Irly Palace is a monument to tyranny, with the biggest tyrant in the Wraith Globe at the peak. Peace? Diplomacy? What about the problems of your own people, Tarkas? If you want to be a just ruler, then take care of your own!" - The Golden Vanguards

289 words

The Far Realm

"As I floated motionless in the dark depths, the stars began to warp and twist around me, becoming an assortment of wicked faces sneering at me that faded away as quickly as they appeared." - Gurass Koia, A Scholar of The Order of Wizardry

439 words

The Chaos Shrouds

"The Chaos Shrouds are band of hired assassins, held afloat by the blind actions of a misled king" - The Golden Vanguards

304 words

Irlin Tonth

"Irlin Tonth is probably the closest person to the supreme ruler of Algos, Tarkas Irly. Along with being one of the only people to be within Tarkas' Royal Suite and suspectedly having slept with Tarkas, she is the most likely person to succeed Tarkas."

350 words

The Olümias - The Tieflings

"The Olümias are a race of the Fagnaór in any case, and therefore can not be trusted... They are devious and deceptive. This fact truly sheds some light on the nature of the dark nation, Necrotus..." - Radrias Farstride, A Grand Mage of Algos

564 words

The Deck of Many Things

"The Deck of Many Things is both teh most terrifying and fascinating magical relic of the Wraith Globe. It has insane potential, both helpful and harmful. In my personal opinion, the Deck of Many Things is a temptation to be avoided." - Garu Ko, High Mage

623 words

Carros' Cart of Concoctions

"A strange little man with a strange little business. Carros pops up here and there, disappearing as quickly as he came, but wherever he pops up, he is able to change the fate of a lucky passer-by: From miraculous healings to uncanny gifts..." - ???

132 words

Lycanthropy in The Wraith Globe

"Lycanthropy is the affliction of all other afflictions: an incurable, gruesome, and overpowering mental and physical curse that tears apart an individual from the inside out. What a perfect tool for war..." Tharros Zilar, Late Necortian Commander

347 words


"Kragzbarg, sometimes known as The Emerald Champion, is the place to be for warriors and adventurers. The Capital of Khazan is filled to the brim with combat and Guild opportunities." - Jarros' Khazanian Travel Guide

539 words

The Khazanian Legion

"The Khazanian Legion is the best of the best in the way of warriors. All members must place top five in The Grand Tournament of The Champion. I mean, that is a feat of strength worthy of a lower Lord!" - Unknown

869 words

The Allorack

"The Allorack is a beautifully designed weapon when seen in action almost seems impossible. Swinging and flying across the battlefield, an Allorack is gliding shimmer of death itself." Joan Sylvia - Great Khazanian Legionnaire

618 words

The Algorian Military

"The Algorian Military has managed to turn a combat strategy from viable to invincible. With their barbed armor, traditional longswords, and Algorian Sword Breakers, Algorians are able to fight both at range and up close!" - Har Baruk, Weapon Enthusiast

572 words

The Algorian Swordbreaker

"The Algorian Swordbreaker is the bane of every duelist. With it's barbed teeth on the back side of it's blade, the Swordbreaker can either disarm an opponent, disable their arm, or even break their blade. It is truly a weapon of the future!" - Unknown

223 words

The Early Wraith War

The Early Wraith War is significant for two reasons: Firstly, it prompted a professional army for the Finite Races, and secondly, it set of the view of Viabaas as "The Lord of Lords"." - Unknown

604 words

The Different Governments of The Wraith Globe

"To form a new government requires infinite care and unbounded attention; for if the foundation is badly laid, the superstructure must be bad." - George Washington

1292 words

The Seven Giant Spider Queens

"The Seven Giant Spider Queens are a glance into the Far Realm and terrible monstrosities found there. Even Artukos, the Lord of Wraiths, did not intend such an evil for the Wraith Globe." - Radrias Farstride, A Grand Mage of Algos

680 words

Viabaas, The Lord of Angels

"Viabaas is the embodiment of justice, goodness, and light. He is the Lord of Lords, the savior of the Finite Races and of the entire Wraith Globe. Without the influence of Viabaas, I would be afraid to see our world." - Jac Sorras, Cleric of Viabaas

296 words

CalofGearva Progress so far

9437 words 94.37% completed!

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I am a college student, worldbuilding enthusiast, aspiring writer, and a lover of pretty much anything creative. At the present moment, I am creating my first fully formed world, The Wraith Globe, as well as writing my first work for that world, A Chronicle of Sixteen Stars, which I am hoping to publish soon!

Interests & Hobbies

D&D, long-distance running, ROM-hacking, writing...

Favorite TV Series

Limitless, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Hunter X Hunter...

Favorite Books

The Silmarillion, The Two Towers, Dante's Inferno...

Favorite Games

Touhou Project, Baldur's Gate 3, Grime, Darkest Dungeon 1 & 2, the Dark Souls Trilogy, Bloodborne, Noita...

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