Gerard Dunheuvelin: Saint-Slayer and Rebel Leader
MyrGat, Scion of the Dead Undeath
Riley MacAllister, the River Rat
Halbert 'Handsome Hal' Currington
Elewyn Kanosis: One Grain to Tip the Scales - By Koraki Kanosis
The Jaguar, Pet Assassin and Traitor - Prompts #22 a renowned pirate, highwayman, criminal –
Syralth, the Sapphire of the Silver Sea
Oleara Manis, Der Säbel der Wüste
Fitz "Captain Shatterback" Barley
Ghuinaen Pulaskisdatter Borgskore
Vægatien, Artist of the People
Corrac Lerim, der blutige Haken
An Unpleasant Fella - Alexander Sheridan
Teko Ewetia, Raatora: Wlitowa's Fool
The Storm Thief, a pirate without a ship
Kalvarian, the Outlaw of Tornn