Badlands by TINK Inc

As you step out into the big field of faded blueish-green grass, the sun burns down and you can feel the eyes of the city of Uriturri staring down at you from afar. You can hear the wind whistle through the blades of grass and the feet of small game rustle through it. The mountains shielding your back open up to a massive pit on your left, steep walls going down into endless darkness. You've heard of it before. This is where tho rock once broke free, that now inhabits the city of Uriturri. To your right you can see the red hills of the desert in a distance, gleaming hot in the sun. You begin to move towards the city of Uriturri and your feet rustle uncomfortable in the stiff grass, making a strange sound. Even the rhythmic "fshhhh" of the sea across the grass field and the waterfall down the pit are not able to drown out your arrival.
  The Badlands by TINK Inc. is a commonly known training area with flourishing vegetation – at least for insects and small rodents. For humanoids it offers no shelter and endless stale grass until areas of rock and molten lava, smelling of sulfur and rich in clay, take over in the south, where the Badlands are flanked by soft, sandy Hills. One step into the Bandlands leaves people exposed to everyone in the surroundings of the Badlands or on the high City of Uriturri.   The electromagnetic field and the exposure – not only to the authorities but also to the sun as well as the deadly sea and hot sand surrounding the Badlands by TINK Inc. – make it a perfect training area for anyone aspiring to hone their talents and magical powers. A program, supervised and monopolized by TINK Inc. is the only way anyone can train here.


The Badlands would be half as bad – were they not guarded by the elements of death. (Old folk saying)
  To the west the Badlands are cornered by ragged cliffs that seem to go deeper than even the darkest pits known on the surface of the whole of Urlurra, where the rock, that harbors the city of Uriturri, once broke itself out of the earth, due to irregularities in the magnetic field, that lies underneath this part of the continent. That was before the land was settled, when only few animals lived on Urlurra. Flotatiorite veins build a web surrounding the area and support a weirdly balanced magnetic field, keeping Uriturri in the Badlands and preventing the City on the Rock to float out into the sea or the wasteland that lies in the south. To the north and east the Badlands are surrounded by a stormy and salty sea. The sea does not provide seafood and inhabits only a few creatures, that thrive in this kind of electromagnetic field of salt and water. For Humanoids it is really unsave to swim in the waters near the shore since they are effected by the magnetic field kept up by the Flotatiorite veins surrounding the Badlands.

Fauna & Flora

A faded blueish-green sea of grass flourishes in the Badlands by TINK Inc., blooming the smallest lavender flowers from sunrise until sunset. The sacred flowers are heavily guarded by TINK Inc. since they are equally medicinal and poisonous. Since Uriturri broke free, nothing higher than 20-30 cm was able to grow without being chopped down by the wandering city. Growing and Harvesting food is a dangerous endeavor since Uriturri is circling over all land.   Small rodents and insects feel at home in the Badlands by TINK Inc. They enjoy the flower’s nectar and roots, build themselves tunnels and homes out of grass and dirt. Small birds are also known to nest in the deep grass-sea.

Natural Resources

The ground in the Badlands by TINK Inc. is generously veined with Flotatiorite, which keeps a delicate electromagnetic balance in place. Therefore it is forbidden to mine Flotatiorite in this area. Urlurra’s Magic is flowing powerfully in parts of the Badlands of TINK Inc. that shift with the movement of Uriturri. The wandering of Uriturri changes the magnetic field of the land slightly, so that the magic moves with it in a neverending dance.   Clay can be found in the south, where the badlands turn to molten rock and hot sand. The sand is rich in quartz.


The Badlands by TINK Inc are visited frequently by adventurers who want to train their skills. It is a place of adventure-tourism one could say. Not much to experience for people looking for a quiet time at the beach because of the electric pollution, not really a flower-picking place either. The city or Uriturri may be nice for a visit though, if one dares to travel to the Badlands through the deadly sea, steep mountain roads or flaming red desert.



  • Badlands by TINK Inc
Alternative Name(s)
Grassland, Weed Ocean, Danger Zone, Slushie Center
Included Locations

Master Tinkmaster

Tink Awesome
~~~~~~live love laugh~~~~~


Cover image: Badlands by TINK Inc. by Elisabeth Lehner
This article has no secrets.


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