Blobar (Blobaaar)

Priscilla was sent on a mission east across the deadly sea. After years of training at the TINK Inc academy she had felt anxious to get her hands dirty. Now that she was on the road she could not help but feel nervous and her heart was aching for the comfort of her squad. Sitting in her cabin she suddenly heard a tender rustling sound coming from the right sight of her small writing table. Familiarity swept over her as a sweet vanilla smell filled the air and she instantly felt better. She took a look at Shi-Ha, her Shkulut plant, that was leaning softly into her, speaking to her of comfort, love and belonging. As long as she would have her, she would never be alone on the road.

This is the Language the lavender flower growing in the big blueish-green grass sea in the Badlands by TINK Inc) speaks to its Owner. The flowers can have different names, depending on how they express themselves. An overarching name is "shkulut".


It consists of a complex mix of whistling sounds, posture and smell. Therefore there is no written form and it can only be learned by studying the flower. Depending on the environment of the flower, called "friolim", the flowers behave, smell and whistle differently. Swaying in the blue grass sea of the badlands they rustle with excitement and urgency, sway strong and rigid in the wind and smell sharp and crisp. They try to protect the small animals and nesting birds and warn everyone around. When humans walk through the blueish grass sea they turn up their volume, move with a little move urgency and emit a stronger smell, so that the animals know, there might be coming danger and where it comes from.

Geographical Distribution

Blobar is mostly expressed in the badlands. The human study of Blobar at TINK Inc and the medicinal and poisonos usage of the plant have caused it to spread wherever TINK Inc. agents are stationed. To be able to handle Shkulut TINK Inc. agents need to complete a very emotionally and physically demanding and long education. Learning Blobar is only open to high ranking Tink Inc. agents wo possess the necessary empathic traits and emotional traing.


"Shkulut" are able to perceive other forms of life and each other through sound, scent and ultrasound. They also possess the ability to feel empathy and tend to bond with each other or other living beings.


Blobar is a language of compassion and trust, created to share emotions.


Humans cannot controll their body odor as well and have to train vigurously to master the tinyest body movements to mimic Blobar expressions, therefore they come across as hard to understand and underdeveloped when it comes to full conversation, in best cases they are considered to speak some weird slang.


Blobar consists of nouns, verbs and adjectives expressed at the same time. The nouns are expressed through posture, the verbs through sound and the adjectives through smell. A Shkulut would make a gesture, whistle or rustle and emit a smell at the same time to communicate.


A commbination of sound, smell and posture defines one expression. Each expression can be repeated until one feels like they are done with communication that emotion or it can be followed by another expression. Sometimes expressions are built of just one component (smell, sound or posture), this is considered slang.


Shkuluts often repeat single expressions before moving on to the next one, but if they are in a hurry they might circle two or three expressions very quickly after each other.


The vocabulary is as rich as the emotions Shkulut can feel. Humans have been able to decipher:

  • Love and Friendship (it's a spectrum and does not include romantic love, emits healing fumes)
  • Alertedness (being vigilant, brave, awake)
  • feeling happy for someone
  • feeling happy with someone
  • Sadness and anger/frustration (also a spectrum - the more it tends towards frustration, the more poisonous the fumes get; often felt when someone else is suffering, if Shkulut are suffering themselves they tend to communicate alertedness)
  • feeling betrayed (often a result of sadness/anger towards something or someone in particular, sends off the deadliest fumes)


"Shkulut" are able to bend themselves and gently rub their petals in order to make different whistling and rustling sounds. There have been new scientific findings about movement in the root as well, but we still know very little about that. They are very small but also very bendy.

Through very tiny pores in the inner parts of the leaves Shkulut emit fumes and scents that contribute to their expressions and can be poisonous or healing. TINK Inc Scientiests worked for hundreds of years to be able to extract healing fumes successfully, since the fumes turn poisonous the instant the Shkulut feels betrayed. Until now only few plants have proven to be willing to participate in broad studies since they prefer to communicate with people they trust.

The movements of the Shkulut plants are part whistling und rustling, but also part putting them in different poses. Scientists discovered, that they have a very fine nervous system that developed something like muscular tissue alongside its veins. Shkulut tend to balance shots of energy through them to move aroung different poses.


There is only the present.


2 Words.
Common Unisex Names

  • Hho
  • Ffuu
  • Huh
  • Shuuu
  • Ssa
  • Phii

Shkulut by Elisabeth Lehner
The Shkulut plant lives mainly in the blueish-green grass sea of the Badlands by TINK Inc and is known for it's healing and poisonous properties, submitted through communication in the language Blobar.


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